The SECRET to Writing a Book a Month and Making 6-Figures in Passive Income is Literally at Your Fingertips!

If You’ve Ever Dreamed of Making a Living With Your Writing, YOU are in the Right Place...

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In a survey done by Written Word Media*, they discovered that “$100kers” had an average of 28 books in their catalog. They also found that 80% of authors make less than $6,000 per year, which is not a livable income.

Michelle Kulp, 10x bestselling author, decided to do an "experiment" and has been writing a book a month since January 2020. In just 12 months, Michelle has created $4,500+ per month in passive income us! Michelle is on target to pay ALL of her living expenses with her royalties in the next 3 months and can retire early if she would like to.

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Before Michelle began her book a month system, her royalties from Amazon for the entire year of 2019, was $500! Now it's $4,500+ per month. By writing one short book a month since January 2020 Michelle has 10x’ed her Income. That means she can do it so can you.

Imagine What it Would Be Like to Make a Full-Time Living From Your Writing.

To Wake Up & Check Your Numbers and See New Income Flowing Into Your Account!

This can be a reality in a relatively short period of time. You don’t have to waste anymore of your valuable time writing books without a proven system

Introducing, the 28 Books to $100K online program for Ambitious Authors who want to write a book a month and begin their journey to becoming a full-time author! This program can transform your life and your bank account and you can begin right now!


Most authors write the wrong book and then are disappointed when they don’t have many sales. Michelle will teach you how to reverse engineer a book that people want based on real data and numbers.

Studies show that short books get read and long books don’t. With Michelle’s program, you’ll learn 6 types of short books to write and what to include in them.

We all need inspiration because it’s easy to lose focus and motivation, so Michelle has included case studies of successful authors.

If you don’t have a hook for your book, then your readers will pass it by. Michelle will teach you several ways to create a hook for your book so you can get the attention of your ideal readers.

The foundation of a good book is about having the right resources. Michelle will share with you her private rolodex which includes her vetted editors, cover designers, book promoters, research tools and more so you don’t waste time!

Getting reviews is challenging for authors, but it’s important because it will help you sell more books which is why Michelle teaches you exactly how to get more reviews.

When you write a book and don’t do a book launch, your book is invisible on Amazon. Michelle shows you step-by -step how to do a "Bestseller" book launch on Amazon, as well as her private list of promoters.

Once you become a #1 bestselling author, Michelle will show you how to stay on the top of the bestsellers list so you can sell more books.

Writing a book a month is the path to financial freedom; Michelle will guide you with her tried and true system for getting a book done each and every month with her 30-day Roadmap.

"I created a course that I wish was available when I started this journey. This is a complete course from A-Z! I also purposefully made the video trainings short so you can move through them with ease. Additionally, I created templates and downloads to help you streamline this process."

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I started writing books in 2011 and became a #1 bestselling author in 2012, but I had no plan and no system to make passive income from my books.

My goal NOW is to create a Digital Retirement so that I can have passive income that pays all of my bills.

Imagine How Much LESS Stress You Would Have in Your Life if You Could Pay ALL of Your Bills With the Income From Your Books?

Since 2013, I have been running MY Bestselling Author program, which is a high ticket done-for-you publishing and book launch service. My packages range from $10,000 to $75,000.

In my 28 BOOKS TO $100K online program, I’m offering you all of my systems, templates, checklists and resources to help you write a book a month, AND then I'm teaching you how to launch every one of your books to the top of the bestsellers list so your book has visibility and can easily get found on Amazon

Essentially, I’m teaching you what I’ve been doing for clients in my high ticket programs since 2013!


The value of this course is over $1997, however, I want all authors and aspiring authors to be able to take my program. That's why (for a limited time) you can sign up right now for ONLY $297!


Coaching Call – Sign up now and receive a 20-minute 1:1 coaching call with me once you complete all of the Modules!


1. You can do nothing and just give up on your dreams;

2. You can keep searching the internet trying to figure all this out and waste weeks, months and years (this is why my done for you clients sign up with me because they are tired of wasting time);

3. You can make a $297 investment and start the training right now and change your life.


I wanted you to know that after I read that article on Written Word Media and decided to write a book a month, I had no plans for creating an online program or teaching others what I was up to.  It was honestly, just an experiment for myself.  However, every time I told a client or potential client I was speaking to that I was writing a book a month...they all asked if I had a program they could sign up for.


I’m passionate about books because they have not only changed my life, but they have saved my life. I love helping authors get their books and messages out to the world and of course, make money too!

You’re JUST one-click away from creating more FREEDOM in your life. It’s time to stop sitting on the sidelines waiting for your life to change; with my system, you will have MY EXACT roadmap to make it happen and have that FREEDOM in 12 months or less!



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